We have been giving workshops in family constellations and general systemic work for many years. Thomas often offers the workshops at the festivals and sometimes at the retreats, also at the IKSK and at other venues.

On the first weekend of November we will be in Cologne at the Tajet Garden. Thomas will be supported by Artem this weekend, who will give some yoga sessions. Experience shows that the combination of physical sensation and mental work has a very good effect on processing and “digesting” the images and impressions that arise in the constellations.

What are constellations?

Constellations are something that are easier to do than to explain in words. Broadly speaking, they are a way of working through different kinds of issues in systems, i.e. in any kind of group of people (families, colleagues, friends, etc.) by uncovering hidden unconscious patterns. With many years of experience in the practice of constellations and with a special focus on LGBTQ issues, Thomas will guide you through this process.

The classic approach to systemic work is family constellation. The effectiveness of this method is impressive. We have combined some methods from the roots of Virginia Satir’s sculpture work to the classical family constellation, to the work of the “movement of the soul and the spirit” in order to apply them to the everyday life of LGBTQ people.

With this you can experience very valuable contributions to the solution of typical problems from the gay and bisexual world. For example: too little or too much sex, unfulfilled sexuality, addictions, abuse, sexual & gender identity, coming out and problems in relationships. But we can also make visible and gently clarify any family entanglements that are weighing you down, so that the pressure created by the entanglements gradually dissolves.

To put it simply, it is specifically about dissolving what is currently preventing us from living a happy life as a gay man or queer person in all its dimensions.

If this has piqued your interest: check the event page for the full details and come along to this eventful weekend. If you have any questions, please write to us at info@gaylovespirit.org.