On October 5th we had our 6th Tantra Evening here in Munich.

The theme of the evening was – Show your limits!


We had three small exercises on the subject of showing limits, verbalizing your own limits and playing and feeling with your own limits.

These are small exercises, but I made the experience of showing myself how I can best set my own limits and also express my limits in a certain and self-confident tone. We know all these situations where we do not place our own limits incomprehensibly or not correctly. The counterpart does not understand us or consciously crosses my own boundaries.

These exercises should show how I can accomplish this for myself.

As a highlight I had a friend Noam as support this time. He showed us how we can use mindfulness and slowness in the massage to create a better and more intensive connection with my massage partner.

I myself love Noam’s approaches very much and also implement it myself with my Tantra massages.

Thank you very much! NOAM for this great session with you.

I hope to see you next evening on 2 November 18 at 19h with me!

Info under https://gaylovespirit.org/page/we-love-tantra-abend-7-zelebriere-deinen-korper