Author Thorsten

Thorsten is a designer, masseur, sacred intimate, erotic healer and Yoga teacher. Since 2009 Thorsten focused on the connection between sexuality and spirituality. After participating in many Gay Love Spirit workshops, he went on to complete the two-year training programme in 2010/2011. Since then he was leading many retreats and workshop through Gay Love Spirit.
Besides that Thorsten was interested and studying shamanic wisdom and native traditions with different teachers and traditions for many years.
He is very inspired by the 2 Spirit Traditions of many native tribes.
Thorsten offers erotic massages, sound massage and Sacred Intimate sessions in Frankfurt. His work is a dynamic combination of hot erotic touch, breathing, sound healing and shamanic wisdom from different traditions.
Before every session there will be a talk about the intention of the session.
In every session all his wisdom is available with respect and love for everybody involved.

Retraite « Deux-Esprits » en Allemagne au mois de mai

Chers frères et sœurs, Ceci est un message de Thorsten Sheranius. Je suis très heureux de vous annoncer que nous organisons une nouvelle retraite bispirituelle :  » La porte de toute la création « , du 3 mai au soir au… Continue Reading →

Un message de Thorsten sur Art of Erotic Touch Vogelhof

Chers hommes, je suis très heureuse que Thomas et moi dirigions bientôt le premier séminaire au Vogelhof. Le Vogelhof est un nouveau lieu avec lequel je me sens très liée, il est situé sur le Jura Souabe au milieu d’une… Continue Reading →

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