At our festival and retreats, we have decided to only eat a large meal together twice a day. This decision is based on several important reasons:

On a very practical level, it saves time. Eating a big meal three times a day would block more valuable time for sessions, workshops and shared experiences. By reducing the number of meals we eat together to two a day, we can spend more time on the activities that are really important to us and strengthen the sense of community.

Secondly, eating less is good for the environment and our health. By reducing the number of meals, we reduce the consumption of resources and the ecological footprint of our events. At the same time, eating less promotes a healthy lifestyle and helps to avoid overconsumption.

Thirdly, it is good for our bodies. Eating less frequently slows down the metabolism, which leads to less fatigue and a generally better sense of well-being. Our body has more time to digest food and utilise energy more efficiently.

However, nobody should feel hungry. Muesli, fruit and a few delicacies will be provided in the morning. The first meal will be brunch, around 11 or 12 o’clock, and the second meal will be dinner. Something will also be prepared in the afternoon. The point is that you can then eat according to your own needs, have a snack if you feel like it, for example during a coffee or tea break. But we save a big meal together.

Overall, this change enables us to make better use of our time, live more sustainably and promote our health. We hope that this new practice will help to create a more intense and fulfilling festival and retreat experience for everyone.