Tag Eros

Join the flow of the experience!

In the massage practitioner training in four modules you will learn everything you need to give unforgettable erotic massage sessions. But learning in this context also means enjoying yourself tantrically. The motivations that bring men to this training are mostly… Continue Reading →

Need more summer? Come to Gran Canaria with us

I don’t know about you, but the Summer of this very strange year felt way too short for me! It is now just ending and our festival and retreat are still fresh in our minds, but I cannot help but… Continue Reading →

Summer Evolution 2020: The Basics of Touch

After publishing the program for this year’s Summer Evolution Festival, we received feedback by some of you requesting more touch-based workshops. We hear you and understand that after these months there is a great need for physical closeness, so we… Continue Reading →

When Love became profane, part III: Eros

This is the third part of a 3 part article, click here to read the first part, Agape, and here for the second about Caritas. So that leaves us only with Eros. The erotic, sexual love. Now it gets really really exciting,… Continue Reading →

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