In these long weekends full of learning, touch and connection you will be introduced to the basics of tantric work: You will learn how to connect easily and sensually with your own body, and then move from this deep connection into an extremely sensual touch practice.

After a short theoretical explanation, we will get hands-on and you will both give and receive massages. We will work in pairs, in the large group and in smaller groups, mostly unclothed. Many of the techniques you will learn have been developed to make the erotic pleasure in your own body more tangible and to anchor it. In the practice you will learn step by step, you will experience how to energise the body and the mind through the combination of touch and breath work, resulting in a special kind of ecstasy that is difficult to describe in words.

If you are interested in massage practitioner training, this weekend is a great opportunity to get a good taste of the practice of tantric massage – both in the receiving and giving roles.

In March, the workshop will be held by Rodrigo and Thomas in Berlin Kreuzberg at the centrally located GLS premises. You can either sleep on site in the group room or rent a room in one of the nearby hotels or guest flats. The workshop will be held in German with English translation, from the 24th till the 26th. Click here for more info and to book your spot.

In April we will again be staying at Domaine de la Gacherie in the beautiful countryside of southern France. Our host Thierry will spoil us with great, energising food, because he knows that good hospitality and healthy food support all group processes. We will spend lovely evenings in the hot tub and sauna too! 

We can arrange a pick-up service from the nearest train station. The workshop will be held by Joao and Thomas in French and English, from the 20th until the 23rd. As always, follow this link to book your spot.

And if you have any doubts, feel free to get in touch via email at, we’ll be happy to help.