The beautiful thing about the night before was that we had a long sexy date without talking. Verbal communication is important but with non verbal communication we can change the world. Go practice!
Exercise- Non verbal communication.
Usually in our workshops we do it in a group context, so you can get direct feedback and enjoy the process. Do you communicate the messages you are interested to give?
Look at the mirror and practice flirting. The best way is to start exaggerating, playing and having fun and tell to go subtle, how you do it normally)
- How does your body is placed? do you move? What are you doing with your hands?
- How do your face is changing? Your eyes? Your mouth? Do you tend to be direct or indirect?
Now let’s practice rejecting, for some it’s even harder. Again start like a real RuPaul drag queen and go more subtle. how do you normally act?
- Notice your body, your face, your look. Make an effort to communicate that you are not interested and not only avoiding to look
Learn yourself. How do you act, react. What is a clear message for you and what is an ambiguous communication.
- Film yourself and watch it together with a friend. Will he understand your non verbal communication?
- Next stage is to go to a bar, club or sauna- practice is everything 😉
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